Clearing the Air: Understanding Disneyland Paris’ Smoking Policy


Disneyland Paris is known as the most magical place on earth, but for some visitors, the experience can be clouded by the presence of secondhand smoke. In an effort to create a healthier environment for guests and employees, Disneyland Paris has implemented a strict smoking policy. It is important for visitors to understand this policy in order to ensure a pleasant and enjoyable experience at the park.

What is Disneyland Paris’ Smoking Policy?

Disneyland Paris has designated smoking areas throughout the park where guests are allowed to smoke. These areas are clearly marked and can be found on the park maps. Smoking is not permitted in any other areas of the park, including restaurants, queues, and attractions. Guests who are found smoking in non-designated areas will be asked to extinguish their cigarettes and may be subject to removal from the park.

Why is the Smoking Policy Important?

The smoking policy at Disneyland Paris is important for several reasons. First and foremost, it helps to create a healthier environment for guests and employees. Secondhand smoke can be harmful to those who are exposed to it, especially in a confined space like a theme park. By limiting smoking to designated areas, Disneyland Paris is able to minimize the impact of secondhand smoke on its visitors.

Respecting Others

It is important for all guests to respect the smoking policy at Disneyland Paris. Smoking in non-designated areas not only violates park rules, but it can also be disruptive to other guests who may be sensitive to smoke. By following the smoking policy, visitors can ensure that everyone has a positive experience at the park.


Clearing the air at Disneyland Paris means understanding and adhering to the park’s smoking policy. By limiting smoking to designated areas, the park is able to create a healthier environment for all guests and employees. It is important for visitors to respect the policy and help maintain a clean and enjoyable atmosphere for everyone. With a little cooperation and consideration, guests can ensure that their visit to Disneyland Paris is truly magical.

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